I am board-certified in both emergency medicine and emergency medical services. I am EMS medical director for several area EMS agencies including Donald Martens and Kelley’s Island EMS. I work as an emergency medicine physician at MetroHealth Hospital in Cleveland, OH and I am an assistant professor of Emergency Medicine at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. I am currently the program director for the MetroHealth EMS Fellowship and serve in various EMS-related roles at MetroHealth.
Originally from Pittsburgh, I finished medical school at the Penn State College of Medicine, and completed an emergency medicine residency at the University of Pittsburgh/UPMC, and subsequently completed an EMS fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh/UPMC. I worked in the Pittsburgh area as an EMS medical director prior to coming to Cleveland in 2020.
I am active in the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP), currently serving as vice president of the Ohio chapter, and formerly was chair of the education committee for the national organization. I am Co-host of the prehospital care (PEC) journal podcast. I love EMS education.